Trusted Debt Relief Counselors
Free Credit Counseling Services

Free Yourself From The Stress Of Credit
Card Debt Today
Be empowered and excited about your finances with proven assistance from DebtGuru.
DebtGuru.com is a credit counseling and debt management company providing counseling and debt relief services. We know from experience that Debt is often the result of poor financial habits developed over time and these habits must change to achieve long term financial security. Our service is geared to achieve financial success for you through professional financial evaluation and empowering you with financial education. DebtGuru’s program is legal and approved by your creditors.
As a Non-Profit, you can have faith in our business to provide legitimate financial help and stay with you throughout your journey. You don’t have to take our word for it, you can read the thousands of testimonials we have from real people who were once in debt, but now have a clean slate and a bright financial future: Credit Counseling Service Reviews
- Confidential Credit Counseling FREE
- We are with you every step of the way
- A Creditor accepted program
- Consolidate credit card debt without a loan
- Cut monthly payments up to 50%*
- Get out of debt in 1/3 the time*
- 95% of our clients reduce their interest rates.
- A proven solution to get out of debt, safely and legally.
Learning Your Specific Benefits using Credit Counseling Services and a Debt Management plan is absolutely FREE and starts with a call to one of our experienced, certified credit counselors. 1-866-352-1739

Many Americans find themselves without extra money after paying their bills at the end of the month. Nearly 40% find themselves with a shortfall each month and borrow or charge the difference on a credit card which deepens their financial pain. In this situation the ugly truth is that all the interest and fees paid to creditors takes away from your savings, entertainment, your retirement or even your child’s education. Facing financial problems can feel threatening and stressful so instead of taking action we often choose to do nothing. It’s easier to push the problem off, borrow a little more and hope for a change. You can stop this today. If you’re honest with yourself and see that this is your current situation, you need to make a different choice, one that attacks the problem, stops it in its tracks and can bring you back to financial security. You may have heard of it already, it is called credit counseling and it has helped literally millions of consumers in financial distress over the years. What you may not know is exactly how free credit counseling services with a debt management plan actually works and what the benefits are for you. This is exactly what DebtGuru and this website wishes to educate you on.
Did you know that Credit Counseling and Debt Management
- Works WITH your creditors NOT against them?
- Your creditors agree to give you relief such as interest rate and fee reductions?
- Your monthly expenses can be significantly reduced WITHOUT a loan?
- Millions of people have successfully completed a Debt Management program?
- 95% of our clients reduced their interest payments by nearly $10,000?
- Getting started to understand your exact options is 100% FREE with no obligation.
Learn what a credit counseling program is and how it works. Discover how a debt management program in conjunction with credit counseling creates a realistic plan with powerful benefits to solve your debt issues WITH your creditors approval and permission.
Free Debt Relief Counseling
Our certified credit counselors will answer your questions and show you how we can:
- Reduce Interest Rates
- Reduce Monthly Payments
- Eliminate Your Debts
FREE Phone Counseling Now:
Or Request Counseling Online

4 Steps To Ending Your Debt With Financial Education and a Plan

Debt Relief Overview
A simple and easy to understand overview of the debt relief process so you can better understand the big picture and your goals. Learn in just a few minutes how credit counseling and debt management delivered by a professional can give you the financial relief you desire.
Debt Relief Program Overview

Credit Counseling Overview
Free financial evaluation and counseling services. Learn what we evaluate, how the information is used and how you will benefit. Assessment, evaluations and recommendations provided by certified credit counselors.
Read Credit Counseling

Debt Management Overview
Debt Management Overview

Schedule Your Start!
Debt is a problem millions of people have found themselves in, yet it is also a problem millions have solved by taking advantage of a credit counseling and debt management program. We have helped many thousands of individuals and families just like yours achieve their financial goals one simple step at a time.