Could Debt Management Help You?
Debt Management can help the vast majority of people who are feeling financial strain. Below is a general description of situations where debt management can be a benefit. Do you meet some or all of these condition?
- Are your monthly payments higher than your comfort level?
- Do you pay your bills on-time, but tired of watching your balances go nowhere because of high interest rates?
- Are you thinking about borrowing money to consolidate your debts?
- Do you usually pay only the minimums on your credit card bills each month?
- Have you fallen behind on your payments due to an emergency or unexpected expense, and find it impossible to catch up?
- Does it seem like your financial situation is becoming unmanageable?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, our debt management program may help you by:
- Reducing monthly payments by 25-50%
- Reducing or eliminating interest rates
- Reducing or eliminating late fees and over limit fees
- Consolidating your bills into one monthly payment
- Stopping creditor harassment and collection calls
- Accelerating payments and saving you thousands in interest
Call us today to learn more about how our debt management can help you: 866-352-1739