We Can Help You Reduce Credit Card Debts
A Free, Legal, Certified, Debt Relief Service
Reduce your credit card debts
Lower your monthly payments
Reduce Interest Rates
Become cash positive each month
Stop creditor calls
We can help you with a variety of debt types including but not limited to:
Credit Card Debts
Unsecured Loans
Utility and Other bills
Medical Bills
Unsecured Student Loans (not grants or federal loans)
DebtGuru is a Non-Profit Credit Counseling company. We have been in business for over 15 years and have counseled thousands of consumers on how to solve their debt issues.
Our credit counseling services are 100% free. When you reach out to us a Certified Credit Counselor will review your financial situation. They will answer all your questions, and together come up with solutions to get you back to financial security once again.
Thank you for following up on this matter. My experience with American Credit has been a pleasant one. I will highly recommend this debt management program to anyone who is in need of such services..
Jeanmarie Durando
Credit counseling review
``Go ahead and pay it now! The sooner the better. I want to be done!
Thanks for all your help. You’ve been wonderful to work with. I am so STOKED to finally be out from under this. I couldn’t have done it without you. My credit score has already increased over 40 points.
K. Stewart