Have Debt? You Can Still Live Your Life

By Mike Peterson
In May 10, 2017

Debt, by its very nature, can be a drag – especially if you find yourself on the wrong side of thousands of dollars of high-interest credit card debt. If this situation sounds familiar, it’s crucial you set up a solid debt-repayment plan that aims to set your finances in order as soon as is feasibly possible.

However, with that being said and considering how long it may take to free yourself of all debt, it’s important to find ways to enjoy your life while you’re focused on lowering your credit card balances. The trick is to have your fun responsibly, and that means finding fun on the cheap.

Bottom line: Debt It can be a bummer, but it doesn’t mean your whole life has to be.

So I’m here to offer some tips on how you can lead your life, with a bit of fun included, while making meaningful headway on your debt repayment.

Let’s go!

1. Instead of hitting up pricey restaurants, host a potluck dinner at home with friends and family. Everyone loves a good dinner party, and having folks bring a dish or refreshment is a great way to cut down on your expense. Spice up the gathering by asking your guests to contribute a dish none of you has ever tried. However, if you must eat out, round up a few pals and split the cost on whatever you order because — let’s face it, those restaurant portions are more than enough for two or even three.

2. Scope out free events/activities in your area. This is a tried and true way to check out most things your town or wider community has to offer. Think museums, cinemas, recreation spaces, or gyms for a start. Many of these places offer regularly scheduled “Free Days” or “Discounted Days.” These deals can drastically reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. To check out what your town offers, conduct an Internet search; you’ll likely be surprised what you turn up.

3. Discover (or rediscover) your neighborhood libraries. Need I say more? Your local public library is a literal treasure trove of entertainment and it’s all FREE. What’s more, it’s not just about books, far from it! Patrons can take advantage of computer and Internet access, a wide array of informational classes, check out DVD’s and CD’s, children’s story time and activities, reading clubs and so much more.

4. Spend some time in public parks. This is a big one, especially if you have kids. The little ones can burn off their endless amounts of energy on the equipment or open spaces, but there’s lots of ways for the older set to have fun, too. Plan a picnic-and-games gathering for your friends. Make some sandwiches, pack some fruit, fill water bottles, grab a Frisbee or other sporting equipment and head out for good, old fashioned fun.

5. Host a game night for family and friends. This requires minimal explanation, am I right? Break out the board games and enjoy the endless laughs, the inevitable thrill of success (or the agony of defeat!). It’s all in the way you play the game after all!

6. Check out city-sponsored offerings. Go to your city’s website and look for free clubs, classes, sports teams, public pools, or community events. Many towns host free city-wide gatherings, movie nights and other events and activities. It just takes a quick peek to see what’s coming up.

7. Search for activity coupons. For those in the know when it comes to couponing, this might seem like an obvious solution to fun on the cheap. However, those new to the game may need some guidance. Search coupon websites like Groupon for discounts in your area or even visit your favorite fun spots to see what they have available in house.

8. Consider outdoor exercise, sweating it out with friends, or free YouTube videos when it’s time for a workout. Exercise is an important part of improving and maintaining your health, and tight finances is no excuse to neglect your sweat sessions. In fact, with the stress that often comes from high credit card balances, a good dose of exercise solo or with a pal will go a long way to maintaining your sanity and keeping you focused on the task of debt repayment. However, there is no need for pricey gym memberships to get the job done. There are literally thousands of free exercise videos online tackling everything from Yoga to strength training to high-intensity cardio. Anything you need you can surely find. And don’t forget about the great outdoors. Head out for a power walk or jog with a buddy or your latest music playlist to make your workout fly by. It’s all fun and, most importantly, free.

Need some more ideas or a quick debt or credit consult? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Debt Guru. We’re here to answer all your questions and put you on the road to better financial health.

Mike is the author of “Reality Millionaire: Proven Tips to Retire Rich” and he has been published in a variety of local and national publications including Entrepreneur Magazine, Deseret Morning News, LDS Living Magazine, and Physicians Money Digest. He holds a B.S. in business administration from the University of Phoenix.

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