9 Great End-of-Year Money Tips
9 Great End-of-Year Money Tips The holiday season is just getting underway, and chances are good that things are about to get much busier around your house. But before you find yourself completely wrapped up in shopping, menu planning, and making travel arrangements, it’s a good idea to take a few moments to yourself and do an end-of-year financial review. It’s one great way to prepare for a new... -
How to Dispute a Credit Card Charge
How to Dispute a Credit Card Charge The holiday season usually means an uptick in shopping and spending. There are gifts to buy, travel arrangements to make, parties to attend – and so on. And while this whirlwind of holiday activity can be fun, the unfortunate flip side is that the season isn’t exactly easy on the wallet. If you’re like most people, there’s a good chance that you’ll...