• 18 important credit card terms to know

    18 Important Credit Card Terms to Know

    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by credit card terminology. What’s the difference between your credit report and your credit score? What does APR stand for? What exactly is a CVV, anyway? In this blog, we’ll look at 18 important terms that every credit card holder should know: Looking for...
  • what happens after you pay off a credit card

    What Happens After You Pay Off a Credit Card

    There’s nothing quite like making your final credit card payment. After months – or maybe even years – of living with the stress and expense of high-interest credit card debt, getting to that zero balance is truly something to celebrate.  Paying off credit card debt feels amazing. But not...
  • what do do after you pay down your debt

    What to Do After You Pay Down Your Debt

    You did it. It took discipline and patience. You had to give up a lot of little “extras.” It wasn’t always easy. But you stayed the course, and you’ve finally done it: Your high-interest credit card debt is gone.  So, how do you keep debt from coming back? Should...
  • How a Financial Audit Can Help You Set Goals and Plan for the Future

    How a Financial Audit Can Help You Set Goals and Plan for the Future

    When was the last time you did a serious audit on your finances?  We’re not talking about income taxes. And we don’t mean simply reviewing your budget (although that’s definitely important). We mean taking a serious deep dive into every facet of your financial situation, from your monthly income...
  • Seven Things to Do After a Data Breach

    7 Things to Do After a Data Breach

    Capital One. Marriott.  Panera. Target. Twitter. Facebook. The U.S. military.  What do all of these companies and organizations have in common? They’ve all been the targets of massive data breaches – breaches that affected millions of users and exposed everything from names and addresses to account numbers, passwords, and...
  • When You Need to Review Your Budget

    When You Need to Review Your Budget

    Some people are really good at planning ahead; others… not so much. Regardless of which camp you find yourself, there are some life events that really should make you stop and take stock of your financial situation. If you have a budget, you’re already a step ahead! Budgeting helps...
  • what to know when debt collectors are calling

    What to Know when Debt Collectors Come Calling

    Few things in life are more stressful than a call from a debt collector. After all, the feeling of being in debt is worrisome enough, especially if you’re having trouble making your monthly payments. And while you can’t simply make your debt disappear (paying down debt takes hard work,...
  • What NOT to do When You’re Repairing Your Credit

    What NOT to do When You’re Repairing Your Credit

    So, you’ve had some money problems and are working to repair your good financial name. Good for you! Rebuilding your credit – or at least looking for ways to start down that path – will help ensure that, when the time comes, you’re able to successfully apply for a...
  • debt and the brain: studies show harmful effects

    Debt and the Brain: Studies Show Harmful Effects

    “It’s such a wonderful feeling to be in debt,” said no one. Ever. Owing someone weighs heavy. Just ask anyone who’s ever been beholden to someone! But more than just an icky feeling, there’s proof that being indebted to another can actually be bad for your health. Indeed, eliminating...
  • can you go 30 days without spending?

    Can You Go 30 Days Without Spending? Could Be Easier Than You Think

    Spending money is a habit. It’s a self-imposed behavior that you grew into. This means, like any habit, you have the power to change it. It starts with awareness. Evaluating your habits will help you determine what you repeatedly spend. Start by thinking through your typical day: What are...

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