7 Tactics for a Financially Sound Year
It’s official: The New Year is here. What better time to give your finances a fresh start? Maybe you’d like to make this year the year you pay off that high-interest credit card debt or the year that you finally buy a home or bulk up your emergency fund. Maybe you’d just like create a better budget or get your finances a little more organized. Whatever your goal, you... -
Get a Jump on Tax Season with This Easy Checklist
Get a Jump on Tax Season with This Easy Checklist ‘Tis the season . . . to get ready to do your taxes. No, really. That may sound crazy – it’s early November, after all. You haven’t even finalized your Thanksgiving menu. You’re still trying to sort out holiday travel plans. You won’t even get your W-2 until January. Why worry about taxes now? Because if you’re like most... -
Expecting a Tax Refund? Here are Six Smart Ways to Spend it
What would you do if you had a million dollars? Or if you won the lottery? Or if — in a twist of fate straight out of a Dickens novel — you inherited a small fortune courtesy of a wealthy, long-lost relative or anonymous benefactor? Okay, so the likelihood of a multimillion-dollar inheritance or a winning lottery ticket is pretty slim – but it’s fun to think about. ... -
Doing Your Taxes? Avoid These Six Common Errors
Are you ready for tax time? Are you sure? Every year, millions of Americans file their tax returns – and millions of them make mistakes ranging from small and inconvenient (misspellings, missing numbers, and so on) to large and costly ones (like improperly entering retirement-related income or even filing late). And while it’s true that convenient options like income tax software have helped make it easier for... -
Get Ready for Income Taxes – Here’s How
Still waiting to file your 2012 income taxes? The deadline to file is April 15, so you’ve got time – but not much. Sure, there are probably lots of things you’d rather do than sit down with a year’s worth of paperwork – but if you do a little prep work beforehand, you can take a lot of the stress out of the process. Want to ensure a... -
Five Smart Ways to Spend (and Save) Your Tax Return
According to the IRS, the 2010 tax refund for the average American was around $3,000. That’s a pretty substantial chunk of money. Chances are, you already know how much to expect back from Uncle Sam this year – and you probably have some idea of what you want to do with the money when it lands in your bank account. It’s easy to get swept up in fantasies... -
Five Common Tax Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them
It’s that time again. Income tax time, that is. And whether you’re planning to file online or by mail; whether you’re going to a tax professional or taking the DIY approach, it’s important to be on the lookout for errors. I’m not talking about big mistakes, either. Even a small thing like forgetting to put the date on your tax return can spell IRS trouble. Here’s a list of... -
Top Twelve Tax Tips for Small Businesses
Tax time is spinning ever closer, but you still have plenty of time to get your small business taxes in order.