7 Lifestyle Hacks That Save Money
What does it mean to save money? We all understand the concept: Squirrel away more than you shell out. But fewer of us understand how to do this successfully. When debts are mounting up or your job isn’t paying you what you deserve, it’s easy to fall into the mindset of living paycheck to paycheck – which means there’s no wiggle room for saving. But this doesn’t have to... -
The Differences Between Debit Cards and Credit Cards
Every time you make a purchase using plastic, whether at the grocery store, retail outlet, or a gas pump, you are most likely prompted to choose whether you are using a debit or a credit card. Other than the fact that one requires a PIN (your four- to six-digit personal identification number) and the other often requires a signature, you may wonder if it even matters which one you... -
What to Look for in a Free Financial Management App
Keeping on top of your personal finances requires a lot of energy. But today, your financial organization can be at your fingertips … literally. As close, in fact, as your cellphone. With mobile banking on the rise, a wave of financial apps has emerged as the convenient way to monitor and track your finances. Use these tools in virtually every aspect of your personal finances. There are apps to... -
4 Reasons NOT to Get a Payday Loan
Payday : A great day that most of us regard fondly. Payday loan : A financially detrimental debt arrangement that only benefits the lender. There’s a huge difference between these two terms. Unfortunately, while the former is pretty straightforward, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding the latter – something that shady or disreputable lenders use to their advantage. A payday loan is short-term credit based on a borrower’s... -
Keeping Your Student Loan Out of Default
Higher education is a noble pursuit. Unfortunately, in the US, it’s also a pricey one. In fact, The Institute for College Access & Success reported that 65 percent of 2017 grads carry student debt – at an average of $29,200. That’s no small chunk of change, especially for those new to the workforce. It’s no wonder, then, that defaulting on student debt has become rampant. But – like the... -
What to Do After You Pay Down Your Debt
You did it. It took discipline and patience. You had to give up a lot of little “extras.” It wasn’t always easy. But you stayed the course, and you’ve finally done it: Your high-interest credit card debt is gone. So, how do you keep debt from coming back? Should you adopt a strict “cash-only” policy? Should you cut up all of your credit cards? Should you close all of... -
When You Need to Review Your Budget
Some people are really good at planning ahead; others… not so much. Regardless of which camp you find yourself, there are some life events that really should make you stop and take stock of your financial situation. If you have a budget, you’re already a step ahead! Budgeting helps you guide the spending and saving decisions that can keep you on track with your financial goals. But don’t let... -
9 Secrets Your Credit Card Is Hiding
Maybe you’ve had your credit card since 1975. Or maybe you’ve just waded into the credit waters this year. Either way, you might be surprised to learn a thing or two that creditors don’t clearly disclose. This isn’t to say your credit card company is deceptive or intentionally shielding some awful truth. It could be that they assume all cardholders already understand all the fine print. Technology continues to... -
9 Times You Shouldn’t Use Your Credit Card
“Handle with care.” Every credit card should come with this warning. Those small, seemingly innocent pieces of plastic can get you into a world of financial trouble if you don’t make wise choices about when and how often to use them. Sadly, however, too many of us treat credit cards as tools to buy items that are out of our reach financially or even everyday items that would be... -
Tips to Keep Your Identity to Yourself
Identity theft is sneaky. It creeps up on you without any warning to ruin your day and wreak havoc on your most personal information and, inevitably, your finances. In short, you want to do all you can to avoid it and the wreckage identity thieves leave in their wake. Fortunately, there are several preventative measures you can take to keep your identity and your money safe from those who...