• ‘Tis the Season for Saving: Six Ways to Save Big on Holiday Gift Giving

    The holidays are right around the corner, and if you’re like most people that means you’re probably looking for a way to get into the holiday spirit without getting yourself into a mountain of debt in the process. It’s always fun to give gifts, but shopping for friends, family,...
  • How To Stay Within Your Holiday Budget

    These tips will help you to set, and stay within a holiday budget. If you need additional help, sign-up for our free booklet: Debt-Free Holidays Handbook
  • Five Decisions that can Make or Break Your Financial Future

    You weren’t born rich.  You didn’t win a million bucks in last week’s lottery (and, odds are, you won’t be next week’s big winner, either).  You’re not a CEO, a movie star, a pro athlete, or a rapper with a multi-platinum album.  You’re not Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or...
  • Clearing Up Commom Credit Limit Misconceptions

    Are there really “no-limit” credit cards?  Is a high credit limit better than a lower one?   Will a high credit limit hurt your credit score?  This month, I thought I’d spend some time discussing some of the more pervasive beliefs about credit limits. But first things first.  Before you...
  • Credit Card Debt: It’s Never Too Late

    What happens when you fall (and stay) behind on your credit card payments?  And how do you fix it? If you’ve ever struggled with credit card debt, you’ve probably played the “what if” game.  As in, “What if I just stopped sending payments?”  Or, “What if I just ignore...
  • Five Budget-Friendly or DIY Substitutes for Day-to-Day Expenses

    When you’re trying to save money, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly torn between needs and wants — or in some cases, needs or other needs.  And I think it’s this feeling more than anything else that keeps some people from sticking to a budget. But frugal living...
  • Teach Your Kids About Money By Having Them Work

    More than ever, we need to teach our children how to manage money. Giving your child a free allowance enforces the wrong perception of money, which can be disastrous when they reach adulthood. Here is a simple plan to teach them correct principles of the value of money.
  • Eating Well on a (Very) Tight Budget

    Want to trim your family’s grocery bill?  A family of four can make it – really! – on $70 a week. The grocery store can be a dangerous place:  There are shelves stocked high with chips and cookies (placed at eye level, of course); family-sized frozen meals and kid-friendly...
  • Frugality 101: Five Good Money Habits

    When it comes to personal finance, many of us like to think that some folks are just “good” with money. Managing money is a talent, we tell ourselves. Some people are good at budgeting and saving in the same way other people are good at fixing things...
  • How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early & Save Thousands

    Simple tips that will help you to shave years off of your mortgage and save tens of thousands of dollars. We discuss bi-weekly payments and annual bonus payments, and their affect on your bottom line.

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