Closing a Credit Card? What You Should Know
Are you considering closing a credit card? Whether you’re trying to curb your credit card spending, feel you have too many credit cards that you never use, keep an account open even though it doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore, or another valid reason, there are some important things to...Need Debt Relief? Here Are Your Options
When your voicemail is filled with messages from collection agencies and stacks of bills arrive in your mailbox that you have no chance of paying, it’s time for some serious debt relief help. But before you seek relief from a professional, you should understand your options. Some professionals will...6 Credit Report Myths
We talk a lot about credit scores and credit reports. Why? They are very important when it comes to your personal finances. It’s just as important to understand what these numbers mean – confusion on your part can impede your ability to make savvy financial decisions. Unfortunately, there’s a...What To Do if You Can’t Pay Your Mortgage
Paying bills is stressful enough, but if you come to the end of your checkbook balance and discover that you don’t have enough to cover your mortgage, that stress goes up exponentially. But before you panic, you should know that you have options. First, Make Contact With Your Loan...10 Frugal Ideas Made Simple
What’s the best way to wipe out debt? Don’t spend more than you make. It’s a simple concept, but in today’s consumeristic society, it can take a lot of strategizing. Try some of these frugal living tips to make the most of the cash you have and avoid –...I Just Got My First Credit Card… Now What?
So, you recently got your first credit card. Sure, you read the fine print before signing up, but you probably still have questions about how to successfully navigate this brave new world. And there are likely a few gray areas your lender didn’t fully disclose. Here, we’ll investigate just...Top 3 Benefits to Frugality
Okay, it’s time to get real: Statistics show that most of us are WAY overspending. We’re either not saving enough to maintain a sufficient emergency fund or – even worse – spending more than we earn. In fact, the average American household spends 90% of its income. At the...Keeping Your Credit Card Info Updated
When you’re moving, there are lots of, well, moving pieces. It’s a hectic time, to be sure: You need to make sure your utilities are switched over, your locks are changed, your kids’ new school registrations are complete, and your plants are surviving in their new habitat. But one...5 Reasons to Say NO to Credit Cards
Credit cards are a great option when you don’t want to carry cash. They enable online purchases. They are abundantly available. And they offer convenience, protection, and rewards that make them handy tools in your financial arsenal. They work well when you manage them smartly by paying off your...4 Quick Tips to Build Up Your Emergency Fund
How’s your emergency fund? If you answered, “Very robust,” good for you. You likely have a secure financial footing, so continue what you’re doing. But if the words “your emergency fund” give you a deer-in-the-headlights pause, take heed! Financial experts agree that you should have enough savings set aside...